Monday, May 30, 2011

A little late!

Did I tell you dudes that I have a web page? As in, one that ain't a blog? Well, I do, and it looks like it was made in 1997. On purpose.

Click here to waste time.

There's not much there, and it looks that way 1) because it's written in pure HTML, my grasp of which hasn't changed much since the late '90s, 2) I don't have much to offer textually speaking, much less graphically, and 3) I'm lazy, so why bother doing more?

(Cue tangent w/r/t web design, visual overload, etc. etc., then realize it's not worth it, and never write said tangent.)

The website, which was generously provided by the SDF Public Access Unix System, will be a repository for stuff that I don't feel fits this blog. As of now, nothing qualifies as such- well, nothing I've written- but I like leaving the option open. Maybe my D&D notes will end up there, should I ever type 'em up.

I'm off to read some Joe Bob Briggs movie reviews, so see y'all later!

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