Monday, April 25, 2011

Scott's Stash: Somewhere Far Beyond

This one is easy:

Blind Guardian- Somewhere Far Beyond (1992)

Not as bombastic as later Blind Guardian albums- i.e., not as much synth and orchestral stuff- and much faster than the last record of theirs I heard (A Twist in the Myth from 2006), this is an excellent example of why the phrase "power metal" is so often proceeded by "German."

When I think of Blind Guardian my mind jumps to my brother's bedroom c. 1998-99, when he played some of Nightfall in Middle-Earth for me. A whole metal album based on The Silmarillion was pretty fucking cool in my book, so BG has stayed in my mind over the years. I'm no connoisseur of power metal, but Blind Guardian's good at what they do and have earned their reputation.

This is a good soundtrack for doing homework, too. The vibe is so positive and soaring and, despite the technical skill and musicianship, uncomplicated, that I got a lot more done than I would have if I'd been listening to, say, any of the albums I've bought lately. (Jex Thoth, I'm looking at you.) It's a good feeling.

One last stray observation before I wrap up. This particular disc is a reissue from 2000 and has three "CD bonus tracks." They're unnecessary and distracting on two levels: they throw off the album's general feel, and the addition of "CD" to "bonus tracks" in 2000 AD is baffling. C'est la vie, or however you'd say it in German or Elvish.

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