Sunday, December 22, 2024

MMXXIV: The Mockery of the Gods Knows No Bounds

All 1d6 of you who read this blog already know what a dire year 2024 has been, so I don't need to spend much time harping on it. America voted in a coterie of the worst kind of fascist losers and will soon pay an incalculably high price for it. My dad died after a relatively short but very brutal encounter with cancer. Houston got fucked up by two merciless storms and another year of drought. The capitalist ruling class continues to plunder the earth without even pretending to care about the future. Et cetera, ad nauseam.

The gods mock us mere mortals, yet demand our continued worship. But we owe the gods nothing. They may think they can pollute our terrestrial paradise and break our human solidarity, but they are nothing without us, and their celestial palaces burn as easily as a peasant's hovel. Titanomachy never goes out of style.

A happy Yule to all, and let's face the myriad oncoming horrors of A.D. MMXXV together. That's the only way we'll make it through and reclaim the world for ourselves.